
UPDATE: The Pinpoint Method

Good design happens everywhere
Last month, Brandi and I showed our pal Cory Staudacher (aka @withhearts) around Houston during his mini Texas tour. Again, we didn't know him until he showed up on our door step, but Micah said he was a good dude. While Cory toured Texas he also explored Austin and Dallas for the Circles Conference. Anyone else attend that event? Throughout his stay, there was a lot of coffee, laughing, dancing, eating, skyping, and instagraming. duh. Luckily, he let me sneak in a quick interview for The Pinpoint Method too. Check it out :) We were sad to see him go, but Brandi and I are way past due for a Seattle trip... 

ps Treasures and Travels recently did 10 facts on Cory for their Instacrush feature. Check that out too!



(if you know nothing about The Pinpoint Method, click here to catch up)
I know it's seemed a little quiet on the Pinpoint FB page and the web site, but trust me, I'm all about TCB. Since last updating you on The Pinpoint Method, perks for donor were created and mailed out, additional promo materials were also made, interviews were booked, interviews were shot, a lot (A LOT) of really boring business stuff has been handled and some mingling has taken place. I can't spill the beans yet on what's to come, but I will say that we have three more interviews around the Houston area, one in Lubbock and two (im trying to make it more like 5) interviews in TN are coming up in August. Because I'm wanting to post often on the Pinpoint site, I will a have a few interview formats ranging from written out interviews to short video features. I can not tell you how stoked I am to see this project finally coming to life and having the support I do completely blows my mind. I am still working out a few kinks, so give it a few more weeks and The Pinpoint Method will be kickin some ass.

Special Thanks to
Brandi Lisenbe + John Korey Prescott for being my go - to people and helping me with any crazy task at any hour of the day.
Nice Spice Design for printing our shirts
Micah Bickham for lending me your skills, time, equipment, knowledge and production smarts. Really, thank you.
Britta Hazel for the 'Seek Design' illustration
All donors + investors for helping me get the ball rollin'


The Pinpoint Crew and I have been a busy bees lately. I'm adding creatives to the map everyday and we are so close to having the site 100% for the official launch. I know I've been saying we are day away for a couple of weeks, but we want it to perfect. I can't wait to share our adventures with you! Since I don't have the site to show you, I took a few screen shots of where we are at...
Screen shot 2011-12-26 at 2.21.26 PM

This is what you will see if you go to thepinpointmethod.com right now. It will continue to be the welcome page and eventually act as a form of navigation. When you click on a state, it will pull up all the interviews and entries from creatives in that area. We are probably 4 months from having enough posts from around the states to make this a function. 

about page
Here's a peek at the start of the about page. On the right hand side where it says 'any additional... want' will be a photo of each of the crew members and their contact information. Right now the crew list is as follows: Kelly Garcia, Brandi Lisenbe, Korey Prescott, Susan Schultz, Micah Bickham, Josephine Heidepriem and Will Swain. I look forward to adding to the crew along the way and letting the project evolve as we bring on creatives from around the States.

Oh, and the logo (which will be done by the time we launch) will be in the left hand corner where you currently see 'the pinpoint method'.

investors page
I love updating the investors page and seeing where supports are located. UNITED KINGDOM! RHODE ISLAND! That's pretty exciting. Seeing that encourages me to go big with the project everyday. 

I think last time I posted an update we were at $400 in donations. Now, with only 40 days left we are at $1050 in donations. That's roughly 1/5 of the goal amount! Thank you to everyone who has mentioned the project to someone, given me advice, referred a friend, left a kind comment, 'liked' the facebook page, donated money or equipment, participated, and for believing in this project. I am overwhelmed by the amount of support I have received so far and am working my butt off to deliver the best.

Thanks so much for keeping up with the updates! I post often on the Facebook page, and update page on Indie go go. We recently added Ali Marie + Dolan Geiman, Bethany + Josh Newman (ST8MNT), Brandi Price (The Diamond Center), and more.

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If you have no idea what The Pinpoint Method is, CLICK HERE, watch the video or scroll down to read.