Kelly Amber Garcia




I know most of you are wondering where did Kelly go? Well folks, she moved to Nashville and started new exciting adventures on the road. She's been working really hard on getting her new site up and running while on tour... so head over and check it out! I miss her over here at Bueno but I am super proud of her and I can't wait for y'all to see how talented this lil doll is. If you are into design, home decor, outfits, and life on the road stop what you are doing and CLICK HERE.



(if you know nothing about The Pinpoint Method, click here to catch up)
I know it's seemed a little quiet on the Pinpoint FB page and the web site, but trust me, I'm all about TCB. Since last updating you on The Pinpoint Method, perks for donor were created and mailed out, additional promo materials were also made, interviews were booked, interviews were shot, a lot (A LOT) of really boring business stuff has been handled and some mingling has taken place. I can't spill the beans yet on what's to come, but I will say that we have three more interviews around the Houston area, one in Lubbock and two (im trying to make it more like 5) interviews in TN are coming up in August. Because I'm wanting to post often on the Pinpoint site, I will a have a few interview formats ranging from written out interviews to short video features. I can not tell you how stoked I am to see this project finally coming to life and having the support I do completely blows my mind. I am still working out a few kinks, so give it a few more weeks and The Pinpoint Method will be kickin some ass.

Special Thanks to
Brandi Lisenbe + John Korey Prescott for being my go - to people and helping me with any crazy task at any hour of the day.
Nice Spice Design for printing our shirts
Micah Bickham for lending me your skills, time, equipment, knowledge and production smarts. Really, thank you.
Britta Hazel for the 'Seek Design' illustration
All donors + investors for helping me get the ball rollin'


(iphone) photo: Lonnie Webb
Nine months ago, this guy crashed my Birthday party (see post here). Three monthes later, he was mine! It's been the best six months EVER filled with that never ending rollercoaster feeling in the pit of my stomache. Darlin, I love you!


Here's a little peek at the last six months

(sorry for the poor quality, we don't have the actual file of this photo)
second date
right before longboarding through town until 7am

first wedding dance off

first Halloween
We both dressed up as Ryan Adams (joke)

pretend Christmas
actual Christmas morning


first beach trip

first race... I won.

revisiting our first date
I was either too busy kicking his butt at pinball or too scared to ask him to take a photobooth picture with me on the first date, so we went back.

Shopping adventures and goofing off