The term was totally inspired by Russell (The Wuss) and Rannie (Chrisrann).
Consult (our goal Point Break/ Chris del Moro)
Tease tease tease that hair
Apply Bleach
Wash (Blonde Angel)
Condition (Born Again & It's a 10)
Brusha Brusha Brusha (The Wet Brush is your best friend)
Apply toner
Condition (Born Again and Blonde Treatment)
Towel dry
Wet Brush it
Spray (Hair Resort)
Blow it dry just to see result on a normal day I recommend air dry.
If you are interested in seeing the result in color you can go to Lonnie's IG @l__o__n
and he has already said "Blondes do have way more fun!" Hahahaha!
I can't get these lyrics out of my head. If i do say so myself, if I do say so myself....