NO. 1




This Class is for those of you who always say "My hair never looks this good when I try and do it at home."

Grace, Lindsey, and I will be taking you back to "The Basics" and guiding you step by step. From Shampoo all the way to Finishing spray. The class will provide everything you need so just show up with the intention of having some fun and learning a few tricks. There will be limited seats available so don't wait too long to Sign Up! There will be a Q & A following the class with some treats, bubbly, and prizes!

When // November 15th 1-3pm
Where // Do or Dye Tx
Why // Because we want to help you perfect your best accessory.

You will leave this class with confidence, Before and After photos, Kevin Murphy swag bag, our favorite curling wand, a notebook, and pencil.

In the words of Vidal Sassoon, If you don't look good, we don't look good.