California and Hawaii have been on my mind a lot lately. It's been a year since my month long stay in California, and 8 months since our trip to Hawaii. I'm starting to get to that point where I start the
"Where do I really want to live?"
"What would I do for a job if I lived in Hawaii?"
"Can I be away from my family and friends?"
"Is this a smart move or a set back?"
"Are we ready to have kids?"
"Do I want to live a typical life?"
"How many times should I go on vacation a year?"
There are so many things I want to do and so many places I want to see while I am young.
I used to be such a free spirit but now I think more logically and I analyze everything. This is the time where I just want to surround myself with creative minds and work on something fun to keep my mind occupied. Come on creatives lets get working!
My friend Lonnie shared this video with me yesterday and it was just what I needed for that extra PUSH. Next month Kelly and I will be taking a road trip to California. So many people to see! Until then we will be working our butt's off on new product, planning our route and hopefully finish something we have been working on for awhile now.
Dirty Gold - California Sunrise from Panaframe on Vimeo.