This little one wakes us up as soon as the sun is up. This is what we hear over and over until our brain finally recognizes that it isn't a dream and we have to wake up. "The Sun is in Kallee" "Wake up Branny!"
Yesterday was a busy busy day. Breakfast time, playing with balls, stretches, crazy energy burst time, a long walk pulling the bear in a wagon. (Kelly and I did 100 lunges on this walk), then Ryder wanted to pull the wagon, after we got cleaned up we went to SWIRLL!!! It's addicting I tell you! I crave it everyday and I go almost everyday! Oh that peanut butter flavored yogurt with m&m's, strawberries, blueberrys, & peanut butter cup. YUMMERS. Just what you need on a hot summer day. Ryder keeps it simple with, "I want white rice cream." He ended up adding some sour worms in his "rice cream."
This is the point where I had to leave to go to work. Kelly and Amy were luck enough to have the rest of the day with this cutie. We wipe him out....and he wipes us out. It's the best wipe out ever!