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Road trips with this handsome young lad. We spent a lot of time gazing out the windows in awe. We spent a lot of time talking. We spent a lot of time screaming at the top of lungs and singing. We spent a lot of time in silence. We spent a lot of time stopping and taking photos. We spent a lot of time just enjoying being together for 8 straight days connected at the hip.
Thanks to all of you who gave us good music recommendations! Once the internet came back on the road we were set! I just didn't want to think about what I wanted to listen to. You know when your brain is just mush and you just want people to remind you of a band or introduce you to the latest and greatest secret. When all else fails I stick to 90's.
Our Spotify username is muchomuchobuenobueno so if you feel like sharing some awesome playlists leave your account below:) I've been in a bad habit of just logging into Jacob's account for all my workout playlists.