I want to wake up everyday (like our Mama) and choose to be happy. I don't always do that. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself or complain because I can be a brat, and you know what? No one, not even myself wants to be around that. I want to change that about myself so I'm making a habit of listing 5-10 things each day that I'm thankful for. Some days I try and challenge myself to go through the whole day without saying anything negative. Have you ever tried that? It is for sure possible. I've done it a few times and it really does make your day 100% better. I should do it more.
Here are some things that I jotted down. The most simple of things bring so much joy to my life and I want to remember that when I get in my funks. It's embarrassing. I embarrass myself. Geez.
The first moment you wake up and know it's going to be an awesome day
The first sip of coffee in bed
The exciting drive to the beach filled with laughter and good music
The sand in between my toes
This awesome romper
The sun on my skin
The wind in my hair
The love of my life
The cutest pup there ever was just running full speed
The conversations I only have with God
The best treasures from the sea added to my collection
The many sounds of the ocean
The memories with my Grandma that pop into my head daily...then make me cry
The long drive home with windows down and music blaring
The longest hottest shower...
The best sleep of your life because my mattress is basically a cloud
Now it's your turn, what are the small things that make you thankful or happy?