SURFY SUNDAYS /// Bueno Bueno X Lululemon


















Bikini &Rashie Hoody / Sandals / Surfboard / Sunnies /  Rings / Necklace / Mug / Beach Blanket

I woke up to the sound of Jacobs carry-on rolling up the driveway about 7 am and I sprung out of bed, greeted him with big hugs and kisses, and then jumped back into bed for another hour or so. We were both so sleep deprived that we needed the extra sleep so we could enjoy our fun filled day at the beach together.

First stop before we headed to the beach was Whole Foods so we could have an awesome snack selection for the drive. Duh. We did not want Feed The Beast Brandi to come out, because that's never fun. We also made sure to have an awesome playlist going so we could scream from the top of our lungs! Are you following us on Spotify? User name MUCHOMUCHOBUENOBUENO.

Once we got to the beach, baby waves and all, it was our own private Idaho ... you can clearly see we are running around giddy like 5 year olds. I don't know what it is about the ocean but it's like we crave it and we need it. Even Zeyk was freaking out doing sprints like he was an olympian.

Follow more of our adventures on Ig @BuenoBrandi @Iheartbueno @thebuenoshop


It's this endless cycle. The Laundry is done. Awesome... But still gotta hang the clothes up, gotta walk the dog, gotta feed the kids (Bootsie and Zeyk, not humans), gotta make coffee, gotta meal prep, gotta get that workout in, gotta eat, gotta clean the mess in the kitchen, gotta get back to those emails, gotta text clients back, gotta clean the house, gotta get the bueno orders done, gotta ship out bueno orders, gotta buy more supplies for bueno and do or dye tx, gotta pay the bills, gotta have skype meetings with Kelly, gotta go to work, gotta re- organize the house, gotta shower, gotta de-clutter, gotta go over budget, gotta set new goals ...

Then there's social life, the fun stuff, gotta go to church, gotta go to bible study, gotta hang with friends, gotta go to community dinner, gotta go on a date, gotta go to dinner and a movie with the family, gotta celebrate someones birthday, gotta celebrate someones Grand Opening, gotta go to a wedding, gotta plan your next vacation, gotta gotta gotta. REPEAT. It never ends. and we don't even have kids yet!

Do you ever feel like this?

How do you balance your life between work, chores, and social life? I just want to feel like we have a  legit system and not feel guilt when it doesn't all get checked off.