It's this endless cycle. The Laundry is done. Awesome... But still gotta hang the clothes up, gotta walk the dog, gotta feed the kids (Bootsie and Zeyk, not humans), gotta make coffee, gotta meal prep, gotta get that workout in, gotta eat, gotta clean the mess in the kitchen, gotta get back to those emails, gotta text clients back, gotta clean the house, gotta get the bueno orders done, gotta ship out bueno orders, gotta buy more supplies for bueno and do or dye tx, gotta pay the bills, gotta have skype meetings with Kelly, gotta go to work, gotta re- organize the house, gotta shower, gotta de-clutter, gotta go over budget, gotta set new goals ...

Then there's social life, the fun stuff, gotta go to church, gotta go to bible study, gotta hang with friends, gotta go to community dinner, gotta go on a date, gotta go to dinner and a movie with the family, gotta celebrate someones birthday, gotta celebrate someones Grand Opening, gotta go to a wedding, gotta plan your next vacation, gotta gotta gotta. REPEAT. It never ends. and we don't even have kids yet!

Do you ever feel like this?

How do you balance your life between work, chores, and social life? I just want to feel like we have a  legit system and not feel guilt when it doesn't all get checked off.


Last night Josephine, Taylor, and I headed to the Stash Co. Factory for a private living room show with Will Johnson. I had never been to a living room show with such _______ surroundings. Every time I am at the Stash Co. factory it inspires me in a completely different way. I just love that place so much and I get a little choked up when I think about Kelly getting to work at such an amazing company with people with hearts of Gold. I feel like she really found a place where she belongs.


But back to the show...There is no better feeling than sitting around a room full of awesome people all wanting to hear some sweet tunes. It was perfect and just the kind of night I needed. The lights, all the colors, and Will's raw voice that encouraged a sing-a-long was the highlight of my night, or ...was it Cheryl's Gourmet sandwiches in my belly. That's a tough one... I highly suggest you check out Will's music, I hadn't heard him live before but I'm glad I got to.


Josephine bought a one of a kind fringe belt pack and I bought some vinyl and had it autographed:)
I will definitely be going to the Stash factory next week to buy some goodies. I want an Apron to wear at the salon and I have my eye on some other bags. The question is buy one for Jacob or myself???
 Text to Jacob "Hey babe thinking of you while I ... hahaha."

Then I got a text from my main squeeze saying he was back in town so we headed to The Montrose to have a night Cap with him. Isn't he cute?

Good Day Sunshine






























Shirt- Jacobs (holes in it from playing base)
Denim- distressed naturally and decorated/patched up by me.
Arrow Necklace- Bueno Bueno
Rings- Bueno Bueno 
Friendship Bracelet- Made with love by Kassi Bacquet
Shoes- Old Vans Slip-ons
My Longboard- Arbor
Adorable Cat- My lil Bootsie, Bootsie Buttons, Bootsie Treasures!

All these photo's were taken by the BFF, Lon Lon, Lonald, Lonnie Webb.
He's a badass and he doesn't even know it...

Anyway, during his 2 week visit it was all gloomy and cold, which is weird because the week before and the week after it was perfect. It was seriously like he brought Seattle weather with him. Which, I did not mind, I love the rain and I will take any cool weather with a smile since this Summer we know will be brutal. So anytime the Sun came out we were like, "Lets go play!"

Just some Fun Facts incase you didn't know already:
We met Lonnie through blogging, it all started from him becoming a sponsor.
It was an instant friendship.
He has come to visit us three times now since March 2011.
The first time Lonnie left we got sad, Jacob told us we were only sad because he was new.
By the second and third time Jacob was sad when Lonnie left.
Kelly visited him while he was living in L.A. and got to meet up with one of his sisters Naz in Seattle.
I am a bad friend and need to get to Seattle for a visit, especially now to meet his Mermaid lady.
I like the way Lonnie shoots, not only do you have a blast but he makes it comfortable.
 You should contact him and book a session.

Oh and today Lonnie told me someone came up to him the other day while he was shooting in Seattle and asked if he was Lonnie. She had recognized him from our blog. I thought that was super cool, so if you are reading and that was you, Hi! Thanks for reading!:)