surf Art

Sweet Tee: Shirt in a Can

Our friend John S. Culqui has teamed up with Tyler Surfboards and had a limited edition shirt printed. The coolest part about this, other than wearing a rad print by a rad artist, is that it comes in a designed paint can.


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If you are interested in owning one, act quick because there were only 100 printed!


i love his polaroids....

im in love with these polaroid transfers. matt schwartz captures the dreamy moments of everyday life and draws you in. to check out more of his work go to
you wont be disappointed. i cant stop looking at them.
oh f.y.i. anthropologie is currently sellig his work.


foam mag no more....

So I called to get a subscription of my favorite magazine (bc there was only one magazine store in houston that carried it) and the lady on the other end of phone said the subscription is being seized!!!!( gulp) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! that makes 2 of my favorite magazines gone. First domino mag, now Foam......R.I.P. magazine treasures. I am so mad i could spit! Finally I found a magazine that related to things I'm interested in. Fashion, Art, the ocean, photography, music...everything. Luckily, I have found a european magazine that is similar to foam so DONT DIE COOLER MAG I don't know what I'd do! cross my fingers.
