

Last Sunday, Joe and I headed down to Galveston and did a little of this. It was the best. 







I've never surfed before. It's pretty crazy since I'm surrounded by friends and family that surf, but out of an old fear I never seized the opportunity to learn. Sunday, I was on a mission. Goodbye fear. Hello adventure.

We started out with coffee in hand, solid tunes, and attempting awkward yoga poses on the beach. The waves were pretty small so when Joe asked if I even wanted to get the board out, I told him I'd be happy if all I could do was practice paddling out. Luckily, after paddling around a while, some waves started rolling in. I surfed. First wave and I got up! So I kept at it. I have a lot of work to do, but to make a long story short, I'm in love. 

The day came to a humorous end when I was cruising the seawall and fell off my skateboard (crunch). haha. One ER trip and a lot of dark chocolate later, I found out nothing broke. I've been on crutches all week, but as soon as I kiss these bad boys goodbye, you'll find me in the sea. 

Happy Surfy Sunday!
