love notes.








As of lately...
1. I usually wake up because I kick Bootsie on accident or she wakes me up to go outside.
2. I wake up Jacob by asking if he wants to make coffee over ad over until he finally opens his eyes. 
3. There are usually signs that someone has crashed on our couch. Thank God for extra toothbrushes!
4. Jacob makes breakfast while the coffee gets going. I am usually watching Hulu or on Instagram.
5. With one bathroom and two of us we make do but not doo doo. ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!
6. I refill my coffee 3 or 4 times before work and use multipul cups. Drives him Bonkers! 
7. Always some beverage left in the shower! Beware we are known for icing Guests!
8. I always rush 30 minutes before I have to be at the salon. Dry Shampoo saves me!
9. Bootsie will wake up and find whatever room we are in and go to sleep again beside us.
10. We like leaving little love notes to eachother, friends, guests, whatev...

Follow us on Instagram and say Hi!: LisenbeSquared

Jacob got me this Album awhile back when he played a show with the 71's at Cactus Records.
I like it best in the mornings..

Love Notes.

Why do people ever stop writing love notes? It doesn't have to be a long letter. It can be a cute little inside joke. It can be a funny doodle. It can be a post it in the bathroom....or you can get creative and have fun with it. But just think about it. Make an effort and cause someone you love to SMILE and feel loved today.

Dan left this for Kassi one morning while she slept. I love that he got creative with his love!


My brother came over and took a quick polaroid shot of himself and left me a note on the bottom. Yes I am Poop Face. Makes me laugh every time I see it.

It's official this is going to be a regular feature on the blog! I am sorry I didn't stick with it before. If you want to share your love with us on the blog send photo's our way!

Past posts:
People need to write more love letters
The world needs more love notes
Kassi's love notes