jacob lisenbe

HIS & HER STYLE /// Billy Reid





























On Jacob ///
/// On Brandi
Boots (Similar)

During our stay in Seattle, Jacob and I wanted to spend as much time as possible appreciating the weather and scenery, but we were unprepared for the cooler temps. We wanted to find the perfect outerwear to compliment our wedding attire but also something that we could wear everyday; the answer was Billy Reid, it always is. When I saw The Cypress Cape in the window my heart skipped a beat. I had to have it. All the different outfit arrangements flashed before my eyes.  I stepped inside, ordered  a glass of Bulleit bourbon on the rocks (oh yeah, they serve whiskey, no big deal), and shopped. I fell in love with The Cypress Cape and it was the perfect combo with the Mona Dress, and Jacob with the Finn Bomber so naturally they had to be ours. They were sold out of my cape size so they called around until they found it (I love that they do this). I wore it around the house and cuddled in it while I watched The Walking Dead. You would too.

My excitement over this cape really got me thinking and I decided that I should always be excited about what I wear. Jacob has always been good about this; he has always put a lot of effort in when getting ready. He's always groomed, smells amazing, and well dressed. Even his grungy stage was thought out. It just makes me feel good. So that said, packing for this trip we were really excited to pack only items we loved.

If you live in Houston you should stop by Billy Reid for the whole experience. Yeah, it might be easier to shop online but you don't get the same effect. Trust me on this. After a long day or week it's nice to be greeted by your friends , have a drink, and try on clothes that make you feel like a million bucks.

HIS STYLE /// Manready Mercantile









On Jacob ///
Shirt /// Jeans /// Wrist /// Flops /// Blanket /// Back Pack (find out why this isn't just a bag)

Lately Jacob and I have been throwing bags and bags of clothes in our guest room for donation, we are trying to re focus and live by quality vs. quantity.... in all areas. Yes I have posted about it before but it's an on going cycle. Jacob is a lot better about it than me. It makes it a lot easier when you have those go to places to shop, one of our favorite places in town is Manready Mercantile. Not only is it visually stimulating but the guys are great, super helpful with suggestions, and you can drink some whiskey while trying to decide on your new favorite pair of jeans. Jacob and I like to wear clothes that we can be comfortable and active in but still feel good about the way we look. If you haven't been yet, ladies take your man, y'all will be obsessed and keep in mind you will be there for awhile. If you don't live in town, I'm sorry you can't get the full in store experience but you can still shop online.

Great tip we have been following ///
for every one item we buy, we have to get rid of three old items.

What tips do you live by when shopping?

FEED THE BEAST /// Fiery Butternut Squash + Coconut Curry Soup


Jacob is the master chef around here and this week he has been thinking of things to prepare for our upcoming camping trip. We thought it would be nice to already have some warm soup or chili to reheat on the fire during the cold nights in Big Bend. Yes when it comes to food, we are always thinking ahead. Yesterday during our Texas "Snowday" he made the most delicious soup that made our house smell like heaven. I am so thankful for this guy and his ability to throw stuff together so perfectly.

When he served the soup it was extra special because he used my Great Grandmothers China that had been passed down. I asked why he brought these out and he said that he knew I was sad about my favorite pencil tree dying so he thought this would make me feel better. He was right. We have never actually used any of the china before but I'm glad we did, it made the cozy night even more comforting.

Lets get started /// 

Wash Butternut Squash
Preheat Oven To 410 Degrees
Cut butternut squash down the middle, clean all seeds out
Place cutside down // on foil inside baking pan
place in oven 40 min

While That's Happening ///

Place 1/4 cup of unrefined organic coconut oil in large heavy bottom pan (at least 4 quarts) on medium       heat

1 onion chopped
At least 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
2 Cups roasted, unsalted almonds

Once onions begin to become translucent and coconut begins to brown, add the rest

4 stocks celery chopped
1 jalepeno with seeds, chopped
6-10 cloves of garlic, minced
3 cups unsweetened coconut milk *(not cream)*(can add more any time if you want it more soupy)
salt and pepper to taste
4 teaspoons of yellow curry powder
Cover and simmer on Med/Low while squash is baking

After the Squash has finished remove from oven.  The meat of the squash should be soft but firm.  Peel and chop into 1"-2" cubes.  Be careful as it will be hot.

Place Squash into pan with the rest of the ingredients, cover and vigorously simmer for approximately 20-30 min.  Stir occasionally.

*The next step is not a must but it makes the final step easier.
Using a potato masher,  squish and break down all the ingredients together.
After this I waited about 10 min and then placed in the Vitamix with approximately 6-8 Basil leaves.
Blend to desired consistency and serve.
*We used a few pieces of avocado and a bit of Greek yogurt on top* YUMM!

Hope you enjoy! If you try this recipe, let us know what you think!