farmhouse delivery

FEED THE BEAST /// Fiesta Pasta



I always think of my friend, Pearl, when I'm in the kitchen trying to cook. When I lived with her in Nashville she had to teach me how to cut an onion and she still busts my chops about it (lovingly).  I remember asking her how to season something and she looked at me funny and said "really? you always struck me as the kind of girl that knows how to do everything?" She must have known what that would do to me because from that day on, IT WAS ON. I was going to learn my way around the kitchen even if it took years of bad food. I still always send her pictures of the things I make and call her asking for help. When Pearl doesn't answer, I call mr. brother in law. He teaches me things like how to 'Julienne my zucchini'. What? 

Sometimes, Cheryl will bring something she had too much of at her house and then I get the puzzle of trying to figure out what to do with it. Needless to say, I'm hooked.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this slow painful growth.

I usually like simple when I'm cooking. Nothing fancy. Every now and then I'll have a wow moment. Working my way up, I guess... This fiesta pasta was just an experiment of throwing together what I had. It can be served hot or cold.

//Fiesta Pasta ...Why? Because it's a party in yo mouth.



Tavola Pasta, Cherubs, Pesto, Zucchini, Leeks, hope and maybe luck (I'm no cook).

/Slice Zucchini into Julienne slices... I tried,
/Cut leeks in rings like you would an onion. I used 80% of the leek. Then I read you should only use the white part... I don't know about this. The whole thing tasted good to me.
/Boil water and cook Tavola Pasta
/Using olive oil, sauté leeks and Zucchini. Season as you wish.
/Add Pesto, Zucchini and leeks in the pasta (after you strain the water out of the pasta)
/Top with Cherubs

90% of this meal came from Farmhouse Delivery.


OMG I HEART/// Farmhouse Delivery


Being a vegetarian, I'm a huge fan of vegetables. It's pretty much all I've got. ha. A while back Cheryl introduced me to Farmhouse Delivery over lunches at the Stash Factory. Farmhouse is a 'Farm to table' concept that pulls from local growers around Austin and Houston. After Cheryl introduced me to some of the weekly bushels and other products (ie eggs. cheese, Kosmic Kombucha!), I was in. I'm now on my second bushel from Farmhouse and I couldn't be more pleased. Other than making weekly deliveries, they send out emails letting you know what's coming in the delivery, where it's from, cooking tips, and markers to let you know which is organic and/or sustainable. Below is what hit my mailbox the morning of the delivery.

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Screen Shot 2013-05-23 at 7.34.43 AM I said, I've been a vegetarian for a long time and it's easy to think that because you aren't eating meats, you are avoiding a lot of the issues in 'factory farming', but after a long discussion with Cheryl last night over sustainable farming and what you can feed crops and pass as legal, I am ready to never stray away from organic/sustainable produce. ever. It's a scary world out there when you do your research. 

Whether you just like quality, or you care about what's feeding the things that are feeding you, or supporting local business, OR you just hate going to the grocery store, you should look into what 'farm to table' co-ops your city offers.   

Check out Farmhouse Delivery
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PS They also have this rad blog with lots of rad recipes. Check it out.