me looking all crazy but look I have my cliffy cup so I feel bad to the bone!



Darin, Ginny, Ashley, and Jacob...at this point we hadn't realized that Jacob left his phone in the rental car.

I wish Flying was still Glamorous like back in the day! Don't You?
I love traveling with my friends! It makes the trip way more fun and less awkward than traveling solo...well that's just my opinion anyway. When I have traveled alone I always people watch and end up playing lock eyes with a bunch of weirdos. AWKWARD. It's because you wanna check to see if they are still staring at you because you feel that stare burning you down, and you look up and DOH! It's a very horrible experience. Eww. I hate it.
Thank God I had my friends with me on our journey back home from Michigan.
Hand Sanitizer- to get all those yucky germs away.
Wet Wipes- refresh your face, hands.....stay fresh
Snack- i hate when my tummy growls, embarrassing and also i get really grumpy when hungry.
H20- duh so i don't bother the flight attendants every time i am thirsty.
Emergen-c- because when you fly you are exposed to a million peoples germs. watch out!
i pod- catch up on music and zone out.
Macbook- never check that! always carry on!
Magazines- in case you sit by a weirdo just burry yourself in this or fake like you are asleep.
Chapstick- i hate that feeling when your lips are so chapped and you don't have any lippy on you.
Gum- good breath when you talk to your neighbor and also to pop your ears.
Comfy Sweater- sometimes it's really cold, or sometimes you need to bundle it up and rest your head on it.
Camera- because i love taking shots of my friends snoozing....ZZZzzzZZZzz
Mini Sketch Book and Sharpies- because you never know when you want to doodle or jot down goals.
What I am currently Listening to: Noisettes- Never Forget You
@BrandiLisenbe (twitter)
LisenbeSquared (instagram)