Patti Smith


So far this year has been nothing but change after change after change with few moments to catch a break.  Most of the changes have been fun (work, moving, friendships, travel, etc...) and challenging, while some have just sucked (the break up, not eating all the carbs this world has to offer, things not changing fast enough... ). I like to keep little reminders written down around me to help me keep my head up and stay positive through whatever changes occurs because sometimes even the good ones can knock you on your bum for a minute. Patti Smith's creative journey is something that has inspired me, so even though I posted this quote on IG this weekend, I thought it was powerful enough to share twice. I hope whatever changes or 'lucky and unlucky accidents' you come across, you embrace and conquer the adventure.




Almost a month into 2013 and all signs say this year will be one hell of an adventure. Week #3 and Brandi headed for Nicaragua... come on. February will take me to Nashville and then Pinpoint and Bueno adventures start piling up once we get to March. Before all the madness starts, I thought I should ground myself in a few good habits that I've dropped off somewhere along the road. Stretching, drinking more water, drawing, writing, brushing my hair and reading. It's easy to get busy being busy and forget about the little things you need to do and the little things you love to do.

Thanks to one rad lady, I've kicked off the new year with these gems.

On The Road <> Jack Kerouac
Just Kids <> Patti Smith
The Coral Sea <> Patti Smith

I'm about a week in On The Road and just started Just Kids. I don't even know what to say. What are you currently reading? Any recommendations?



Thanks to those of you who passed along some recommendations, I'm definitely going to look into them when I finish these three.


Divergent <> Veronica Roth
A Moveable Feast <> Ernest Hemingway
Dharma Bums <> Kerouac
The Alchemist <> Paulo Coelho
Ishmael <> Daniel Quinn
Dancing Barefoot <> a Patti Smith bio
Saltwater Buddha <> Jaimal Yogis
Cosmic Banditos <> A. C. Weisbecker
 Love in the Time of Cholera <> Gabriel Garcia Marquez
 Killing Yourself to Live <> Chuck Klosterman
A New Earth <> Eckhart Tolle
Sweet Tooth <> Ian McEwan.