During our stay in Michigan, Luke and Diahnn made sure we had a good time. I wish we could go back and stay in the cabins, but I'm sure that if we were there right now we would freeze! While we were visiting in October it was perfect! The trees were changing colors, it was sunny during the day, chilly at night, perfect! They filled our days with activities, meals, and we even learned a couple of new games. I am so thankful for them and the time we all got to spend together.

Justin must be admiring the stained glass. We all did.

Do you have a favorite?

I love that they had these old schlitz ads. Worst beer ever! hahaha. No but I really did like the ads.

I love me some beer tasting! - I just said that in by best honky voice.

The darker the better!

Michigan, We love and miss you!

Justin must be admiring the stained glass. We all did.

Do you have a favorite?

I love that they had these old schlitz ads. Worst beer ever! hahaha. No but I really did like the ads.

I love me some beer tasting! - I just said that in by best honky voice.

The darker the better!