YOUNG LOVE MAD STYLE /// Jeremy and Taylor Pawlowski


bueno double 2






bueno double 1


Names/ Where you live
Jeremy and Taylor Pawlowski- Austin, TX by way of Philadelphia, PA by way of Laconia, NH

Day Job / Dream Job
Taylor- Financial aid Planner for Undergrad Art Students
Jeremy- Photographer for the University of Texas

Dream Jobs:
Taylor- stay at home mama to my dogs! Does that count? Otherwise, I would love to own a camp supply store
Jeremy-Full time travel/lifestyle photographer

Favorite thing to do together
Jeremy-See new places and experience new things

Craziest thing you two have done together
Rode our bicylces across the United States!

How did y'all meet?  How long have y'all been together?
We met as kiddos in our small hometown of Laconia, NH. We spent our summers fishing and swimming in the lake and winters hanging out at an indoor arcade. When we were fourteen years old we made it official one day after school at a playground while making up a secret handshake. Jeremy was the only boy I knew that would wear a nice button up shit on picture day to make his mama happy. He stole my heart! Eleven years later, he is still the sweetest man I know,

Favorite thing about your significant other.
Taylor- His drive! He doesn't give up on anything
Jeremy- Her Spontaneity!

Favorite place to shop for clothes.
Jeremy-Whatever Taylor buys me for Christmas
Taylor- Haha! I shop at Poler Stuff, H&M and Clarks for Jeremy. For me, Forever 21, Modcloth, Shop Tobi and I am really good finding good stuff at Goodwill and Salvation Army! I also cut up and sew most of the clothes I own when I am tired of them to make something new.  

What music have you been digging lately?
Timber Timbre
Velvet Underground
Fleetwood Mac
and always Shakey Graves!

Guilty Pleasure.
Jeremy- Pizza and Harry Potter
Taylor- Twix with my morning coffee

Tell us fact we don't know about you two. funny or serious:)
We are not all dreamy landscapes and pretty pictures. Marriage is hard and we have learned that it is important to put the cameras down, close Instagram, watch "Ridiculousness" and cuddle on the couch or chat on the hammock in the backyard. Also, we drive a moderately crappy car and work boring full time jobs. We just require very little sleep and when in comes to traveling, we have been doing this for so long now that we know how to do it on a super low budget. That is our main goal with America Y'all; to inspire to get outside more! You don't have to live in a sweet RV or have a lot of money (although that would be awesome!). There is so much to explore, even if it's only a short drive from your home :)

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