












Today is perfect because I am alone. Sometimes I just need a day to myself. At work I am always "ON" then I get off work and friends are at my house for Taco night, Bachelor night, or Margarita Monday. On the weekends there is always a family or social activity that we have to go to... I come off sounding like this is a bad thing but it's not, I love it. I just need balance. I recently started taking a day to myself where I don't make any plans, I don't answer texts, and I try not to hang out with anyone... it's my time to get into "Brandi zone." Hopefully this will eliminate me going into "Brandi zone" when people are talking to me on the regular.

My perfect day would go something like this ///
Wake Up. Pet Bootsie.
Throw on some tunes while I make coffee.
Drink my coffee and check out my spread for the beach. Loving this Kimono!!
Exercise to get my endorphins going.
EAT a big breakfast.
Get dressed in my beach get up and take a selfie in the mirror to text Kelly. All girls do this right?
Drive with the music blaring and the top down. Still Jammin' to THIS JEEPIN PLAYLIST.
Find a quiet spot and go for a swim. If the surf isn't good thats ok read a book!
Keep the music playing because I like having a soundtrack to my life.
WORK ON MY TAN!!! But also slather myself in Sunbum so I don't get wrinkles or Skin Cancer.
Eat something yummy from my cooler, right now I am being good and all my meals are planned.
Walk around and take pictures of things I think are beautiful.
Skate the seawall and people watch.
Drive home call Jacob to meet up.
Watch the Sunset.
Count my blessings.

Be sure to check out Kelly's Perfect Day and  this rad contest // Only 1 week left!!!
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