1 // Open my eyes, because Bootsie is creepin and wants to be let out to tinkle... Meow!
2 // Good Morning babe, is it coffee time? If you have spent the night you know how annoying I am when I say this... Jacob rolls out of bed, heads to the kitchen and brings coffee in bed.
3 // Bootsie lets us know she is ready to come in, Jacob lets her out to use the restroom when he makes coffee.
4 // Jacob makes the best omelettes!!!! Feed the Beast!
5 // Must play music in the mornings to get us going...
6 &7 // Jacob starts his day with emails
8 // I work on blog, check emails, pinterest, and get back to clients about appointments.. in no particular order.
This morning was awesome. A bunch of clients cancelled because of the cold weather, ice on streets, you know stuff Houston isn't used to. No complaints here, we got to stay cozied up inside where it's warm. Friday doesn't have morning sessions at the gym so we just took advantage of the extra time to work on orders, and also start preparing for next weekends camping trip. What does your morning routine look like?