WHAT WOULD BRANDI WEAR /// Shark Attack in Carlsbad

During our trip to Southern California last week, we spent majority of our time at different beaches. Cherry Street is walking distance and the closest to where we were staying (Kylle and Haley's), yet we didn't come here very often. Everyday was a completely different experience than the next. I feel like we didn't have enough time to spend with our friends and go to all the places we wanted to see. This means we just have to go back soon. I am so thankful for the friends we have and the fun times we shared. California I love you.
 Hopefully wearing a leather hat will protect me from getting a leather face.
My shadow is shark surfing... Say that 5 times fast.... ya didn't think so.
Maybe if I act like a shark he won't notice me.
Checking for cavities.... I think we're good.

Hat /// Vintage
Shorts /// Deadstock Vintage from Indonesia

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You can follow more of our trip on instagram. We used the Hashtag #FrothingForeverForeverFrothingMy Instagram Handle @BuenoBrandi