I have been searching for the perfect sandal for awhile now, a long while. My last ones that I was obsessed with were Jessica Simpson brand (yeah I know) but ...they were awesome and everywhere I went people would comment on them and ask me what brand they were. Shamefully when I responded the shocka face would pop out. She makes cute shoes sometimes what can I say!? Anyway, I used and abused them until they died.
Kelly and I have a wedding coming up this weekend and I got rid of a pile of shoes/clothes so I could buy myself a new summer staple. My new Summer Sandals!




Here are My Summer Staples:
Alex Sandal
Summer Sunnies <3 br="">
"Where My Boyfran At?"  Jeans

The Jeans are not really called that, They are just "Boyfriend Jeans". Kelly and I always joke around making our most hideous face and yell in an obnoxious voice "Where my Boyfran at?" We may even spit out some food while we say it.

Going back to our old school ways and posting a song at the end of our posts! xo Here we go to kick off an awesome Summer!!!!