GUEST POST: 6 Juicy Recipes With Adventures With Veggies

We asked our beautiful friend, Liz, to send us a guest post because we LOVE her blog and delicious recipes. Juicing is something that we've been curious about and don't really know much about, so if that's you too, then this post is for you! They all sound sooooo good. I can't wait to get back home next week and try them all. 

AWV's 6 Favorite Juices (and the best way to cleanse):
 Juicing is one of the best things you can do for your body. It allows your digestive system to rest while giving your body a mega dose of nutrients. Notice how you feel sluggish and sleepy after eating a heavy meal? That is because your energy is having to go towards digesting hard-to-breakdown foods. When you juice, your body doesn't have to breakdown anything, and your energy can go towards doing something fun! (like THIS - link)  To get the same amount of nutrients from fresh carrot juice, you'd have to eat pounds of carrots. If you don't have the time to sit and chew all day, just juice your food for a nutrient dense meal.

I've heard a lot of talk lately about the master cleanse and I want to tell you this is NOT a good idea. This “cleanse” is extremely hard on your body and not effective in the long term. Instead, simply incorporate a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise and you'll notice yourself dropping pounds and keeping them off. The word cleanse describes getting rid of junk and restoring your body to the way it should be. The master cleanse does not do this. Instead, it may temporarily remove the junk in your system, but in such a harsh way. And if you're just going to go back to eating fast food afterwards, cleansing/starving your body like that will just results in weigh fluctuations and a roller-coaster metabolism. Treat your body right. Give it good, clean, vibrant foods that will enhance your health while also helping you shed extra pounds.

I recommend doing a juice cleanse if you're getting sick or suffering from a cold. The vitamins and nutrients you'll give your body will help kick that cold right away. I also recommend juicing if you're wanting to jump-start a lifestyle change into eating a plant-based diet. And, if you've been used to eating terrible foods, juicing can help you drop some pounds by removing toxins from your body quickly. But for your health, treat your body with respect and care all year round, not just when you want to lose weight! Try juicing one meal a day. Or for a full on cleanse, drink juice at 7AM, 10AM, 1PM, 4PM, and 7PM. I end every night with a hot ginger lemon tea.

Here are my top 6 favorite juices!

Pineapple Mint Julep:
2 Granny Smith Apples
1/3 Pineapple (including skin)
Add mint on top


Green Machine:
1 bunch of Cilantro
1 head of Romaine
½ Cucumber
3 stalks Celery
4 Golden Delicious Apples
1 Lemon
2 tbsp Ginger
Dandelion Greens


Pineapple Sunrise:
3-5 large Carrots
1 Peach
½ Sweet Potato
1/3 Pineapple (with skin)

Just Beet It:
2 Medium Beets
1 Orange
1 Granny Smith Apple

Orange You Happy:
2 Pink Grapefruit
6 Medium Oranges
1 tsp. Ginger

Spice Up Your Life:
3 Golden Delicious Apples
1 Lemon
1 cup Spinach
½ Habanero Pepper (or more...)

For more plant-based recipes, visit! Follow my blog and let me know what you think of these juices!

Thanks Liz!