Well, I've still been searching for a certain Wilson Pickett Album. I know it's out there... Is there a certain Album you have been hunting? Where do you usually shop for music? Please share.
I absolutely love going shopping with friends because when you find something you have been looking for they can share that exciting moment! or they can pretend to care.
It's also fun shopping with friends because you can find out about different bands that they love and usually there is a story behind it like "When I was young me and my Dad/Mom would dance to this on Saturday mornings." or "This was my first concert!"
I love when I find something that I think Kelly, Jacob, or a friend would love. There is just something amazing about Music and Memories.
I am always buying beach tunes. If there is a beach on the cover, I'm sold! It always brings me back to childhood. I have loved the beach for as long as I can remember.
(have you ever looked at the backside of this record? It's kind of creepy... just blonde and black hair bushy hair.
If you are ever in Austin, we recommend this shop.
2209 South First Street
Austin, Tx 78704
Mon- Sat 11-9
Sun 12-8