On the way to the lake...SFP WEEKEND
When someone Ice's you, you MUST chug it immediately. If you choose to reject it, you can never Ice anyone. No one likes the taste. It's awful. It hurts.
Do you and your friends Ice people?
I seriously think my friends are the reason Smirnoff ice is still in business. It's really embarrassing going through the line at the grocery store with this in your hand. Never fails, I always tell the cashier that I am buying it as a joke. They just look at me with the face of confusion.
We started getting really clever with how we ice people....
Poor Jacob sat in the back for me because I get car sick so easily. I had no idea they were going to ice him! It was awful back there. Cramped, smelly and he got iced. What a trooper! (after the trip Yvette found an old lunch bag that had been sitting for days) That was the awful stench.
More photo's from trip coming up...