It's that time of the year again and spending money on yourself is just not an option. This time of year, we try to stick to a strict budget...who are we kidding, we are always on a tight budget! When cutting down on the extra spending, the first thing to go is the "fashion budget" and "dining budget". Going out to eat is an easy thing to cut because it gets old after a while and your clothing stops fitting right, but the fashion budget is a hard one to kiss goodbye. Thank God for sisters! There's bound to be something in "her" closet that I'm not sick of wearing...yet. When digging out the old wrinkled jackets and holey stockings (yes, the blue stockings I am wearing have a huge hole in the back of my thigh), it's important to have fun! I like to think of it as a game of Dress-up because it's challenging to mix and match all the ol' goodies and still come out looking cute. I hope this inspires you to dig out some of your own treasures from your past.
When getting ready:
a good pair of boots is always a good idea.
a little mascara and lipstick goes a long way.
have fun when choosing your accessories.
try wearing something you haven't worn in a long time.
Our boots: Thrifted, no Colt Miller boots but they will do.
Glasses: Thrifted
Shades: Raybans
Jacket on Kelly: sale rack 49.99 at some boutique in NewPort Beach
Jacket on Brandi: F21 2 years ago.
Tights, knee highs, and leggings: Target
Bloomers and Shirt on Kelly: UO sale rack a long time ago.
Brooch: gift from my mom
Blue Vestal watch: My husbands
Hair: teased like a maniac by Brandi