
ACL 2010

What a LONNNNNNG day it was yesterday! Woke up early, went to Joe's for some iced coffee and breakfast taco's, then I cut Fred's hair, he did laundry and we still managed to be at the festival by 11:45 for WARPAINT! YES! They were amazing!
Originally, Fred was just going to drop me off at the bus stop because he didn't want to get there that early for a band he never heard of (he wanted to watch football) but i told him to check them out on you tube and he was instantly hooked!

I have lot's of ACL photo's to post but be patient with me....Jacob and I have to drive home and i have to get to the salon...more photo's by tonight!

listened to and have photo's of:
- Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's
- White Rabbits
-Devandra Banhart and the Grogs
-Band of Horses

I am sad I couldn't get to Midlake.