it's time to say goodbye to all our california friends and head back home to texas. we have a long drive ahead of us, but i'm looking forward to 22+ hours of just jacob and me in the car.

one of the things i collect. POSTCARDS. every vacation we buy a couple of postcards and write something on the back about our trip. i scored some cute vintage ones at the golden west swap meet and also some at rose bowl flea market. i sent one to jacob during week 1 in california, and i sent this one to my grandma last week. it's either from the 60's or 70's i forgot what it said on the back. post cards/letters are way better than email, don't you think?

what do you collect? when you are on vacation what do you like to bring home for yourself or your loved ones?

perfect road trip song. this is on my mix cd's that nat made me:)