the bueno blog — The Bueno Shop


Eveyone loves their plant babies and we all want the best for them so I rounded up some of my favorite plant stands, planters, and accessories for you.

Last week I was lucky enough to get my hands on some of the Hilton Carter goodies at Target before they sold out. You can still find some of his items online and you might find some at your local Target. If you follow me on Instagram or Tik Tok @BuenoBrandi you might have seen some of the items I purchased.

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I just went through and unpacked everything from our trip so I don’t think I left anything out. Once we arrived in Las Vegas we hit up REI for propane, went to whole foods for groceries and picked up a cooler, an extra sleeping pad, and an extra camp chair. Everything you see on the list is what I packed. Hope this list is helpful. If you have any questions about Zion or Bryce feel free to ask me. I also have ZION highlights on Instagram.

2 Person Tent - ours had lights inside and I love it, we also have a 4 person tent but we wanted to pack as light as possible.

Extra Tarp - to place under tent or provide shade when needed.

Self Inflatable Sleeping Pad- You want this if you want to be comfortable bc some of the ground does not have grass and its just rocks under you.

Self inflatable Pillow -

Sleeping Bag- Check weather to make sure you are bringing the right sleeping bag.

Head Lamp - just used it at night on the way to bathroom, no intense night hikes this trip.

Bio Lamp- We put this on our camp table while we cook and hang out.

Ear Phones- If you need to zone out and chill by yourself for awhile.

Ear Buds -If you wake up easy to noise, sometimes other campers are loud.

Power Banks - Because your phone and light sources are needed.

Phone Chargers - Charge every time you are in the car.

Compass - It’s always good to have one.

Hiking Poles- These save my knees.

Hiking Boots - Never had a blister in the years I’ve had these.

Hiking Sandals - because when it’s hot and the hike is right you want your feet to breathe.

Birkenstocks- during day you don’t wanna be in your boots because its HOT!

Uggs - Because you wanna be warm in the mornings and night around camp

Silk Sock Liners - do yourself a favor and get these.

Tye- Dye Socks - for the airport and when my feet are cold at night

Maps- Because you never want to be lost!

Lightweight Camp Chairs - sitting in a chair feels amazing at the end of the day.

Beanie - I lost my Neon green one on this trip!

Hat to Protect Face - you will get so much sun.

3 Bandanas - I usually buy one at the visitor centers if they have a map of the area I’m at on it. I use on my head, on my neck, to wipe, I like to soak it in ice cold cooler water after a hike and wear it around neck.

Toiletry Bag - Easy to just grab this and take with you to bathroom at night and hang it in the stall to bathrooms.

SPF - Because you need it everyday. This isn’t sticky.

Lip Shield - if you get fever blisters like me from the sun you need this!

Lotion - you can’t put on enough because tis place sucks every bit of moisture in you, then when you are home slather this Active Hydration Body Moisturizer on.

Face Regimen - you will thank me if you bring this, I got to do this the three times we paid for a shower.

Face Wipes - This is how I cleaned my face majority of the time.

Butt Wipes - because if you don’t you are funky.

Brush - I forgot mine and had to borrow Kelly’s. My hair was so dry and tangled here.

Shampoo and Conditioner - come get some travel stuff from the salon. We ship! 713-523-0861

Razor -

Body Soap -

Hair Turban - available at Do or Dye Tx (we ship)

Hair Bands

Jet Boil - This is how we made most our meals and our coffee/Tea

2 camp mugs, 2 camp Bowls

Camp Silverware

Camp Dish Towel and Soap

Camp Towel- His

Camp Towel - Mine

Heavy Duty Compactor Bags (anti bacterial) - We put these in our packs when we went to the Narrows.

Pour Over Cone - Coffee makes the day better

Medical Kit - Because we always need something from it

Advil - Someone always needs it. Cramps and heat headaches for sure

Nalgene Bottle -

Back Pack with Camel Back -

2 Packing Cubes/ Large Compression Sac - one for clean clothes one to do laundry in

Passport to National Parks - because it’s fun to get stamps and stickers to add to all the places you go

Disposable Camera -

Gloves - my hands don’t work when they are cold

Leggings - Click this link for the WE MADE TOO MUCH section (discounted)

Base Layers

3 Sport Bras

5 Tanks - watch my LULULEMON HIGHLIGHTS on Instagram

3 Biker Shorts

2 Runners shorts

5 Leggings

1/2 Zip pullover - keeps me warm those cold mornings and nights

Unitard - Perfect for swimming while camping

Water Resistant Windbreaker - It is very windy early mornings and late late nights

Trench Coat - to wear to and from airport

Uno Flip and regualar playing cards - activity to do at night

Hand Sanitizer -

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2021 ///


Life is Wild. We are already into March, can you believe that? A lot has changed in my world since last year.

I wasn’t able to work for two months because of this pandemic. This was not good for my mental health. I had a very unhealthy perspective of my importance or lack of importance during this time. It is something I am still working on.

I ended a 15 year relationship with my husband who I still loved and cared about but I knew this was what we both needed. There was a lot of “Christian Guilt” that I had to work out. That is all I am really going to say about that, at least for now.

About the same time we went through a very scary season with my Dad and not really knowing what was happening to him. This was the worst and I had to just keep going through the motions because life goes on. He is doing so much better now. I am so thankful for my Mom, Aunts, Uncles, Siblings, and friends who helped and supported us through this time.

I also love how God never lets me go through one trauma at a time. I actually appreciate him throwing it at me all at once so that I’m in so much pain that I turn into a zombie.

Moved homes. I love my house, its weird and old so there are some issues, but it’s fun living with my sister and her girlfriend Mik.

Even though there was a lot of pain there was a lot of good too, like reconnecting with Dante…


Photos By : Pandesal Photo